Sometimes there is a disagreement over the insurance company’s valuation of an insurance claim. Policyholders often think the only way to settle the dispute is to hire a lawyer. Fortunately, this is not the case. Appraisal is an alternative method. California Insurance Code requires the appraisal procedure to be contained in every policy containing fire […]

Home sweet home is the best place on earth. But what if an incident causes damage to your home or office? The insurance claims process can be overwhelming and time-consuming, so why not have a representative that advises you and provides you the positive outcome you are looking for. A public adjuster is a professional […]

Fire insurance is property insurance that provides coverage for loss or damage to a structure damaged or destroyed in a fire. Homeowner’s insurance usually covers fire damage but it may be capped at a rate that is less than the cost of the losses accrued, necessitating a separate fire insurance policy. It is crucial to […]

I am often asked about the different types of insurances that surround real estate. And while I am no expert on the topic, I do feel qualified to give an overview and some insight to assist you in asking intelligent questions to true insurance professionals. So, here it goes: Homeowner’s Insurance covers the replacement cost […]

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