Los daños causados ​​por el agua son una causa frecuente de desastres y frustración para los propietarios de viviendas. La mayoría de todos los sótanos de EE. UU. experimentan daños por agua durante su vida. Antes de sumergirnos en la cobertura de seguro, analicemos primero qué es una losa. Los cimientos, o la "losa", contienen gran parte de las entrañas de su hogar. Tubería instalada en la cimentación […]

Los daños por agua son una de las causas más comunes de reclamaciones de seguros de hogar. Las reclamaciones por daños causados ​​por el agua afectan a 1 de cada 50 propietarios cada año. Debido a la alta frecuencia de reclamos por daños causados ​​por el agua, muchos se preguntan qué está cubierto y qué no. Los daños causados ​​por el agua a su hogar están cubiertos por un […]

Si ocurre un desastre, querrá suficiente seguro de vivienda para reconstruir la estructura de su hogar, reemplazar sus pertenencias personales, pagar costos imprevistos si no puede vivir en su hogar y proteger sus activos financieros en caso de responsabilidad hacia otros. . Si bien su aseguradora proporcionará límites de cobertura recomendados para la estructura de […]

Most home insurance policies have a deductible, meaning the homeowner pays a certain amount before the insurance company pays any part of the claim. So, if you have a $500 deductible, you’d pay $500 and the insurance company would pay the rest of the claim amount. There are two ways deductibles are quoted on home […]

A house fire is a disaster that no one is ever prepared to experience. After the firetrucks leave, your home likely suffers from fire and smoke damage and potentially extensive water damage from firefighting efforts. A lifetime of memories can be destroyed by widespread fire damage, water damage, smoke damage, and loss of furnishings, appliances, […]

Mold spores exist all throughout our environment. However, they will only grow in areas which have a lot of water and organic matter. The interior of our homes is filled with organic matter such as flooring, furniture, walls, rugs, and carpets. Once any of these materials become wet, that is when mold will start to […]

You might be aware of the most common ways your homeowner’s insurance protects you. Fire damage, burglary, windstorm, hail and liability are just a few common scenarios where your policy helps cover resulting damages. But do you know that vandalism is also covered by your policy? From broken lights to a smashed-in mailbox, let’s take […]

If you are like most people, you probably haven’t memorized the details of your home insurance policy. But these details are important in case your property ever suffers major damage as a result of a fire, flood or other disaster. You probably don’t need to hire a public adjuster if your home suffers a small […]

Mold spores exist all throughout our environment. However, they will only grow in areas which have a lot of water and organic matter. The interior of our homes is filled with organic matter such as flooring, furniture, walls, rugs, and carpets. Once any of these materials become wet, that is when mold will start to […]

A house fire is a disaster that no one is ever prepared to experience. After the firetrucks leave, your home likely suffers from fire and smoke damage and potentially extensive water damage from firefighting efforts.  A lifetime of memories can be destroyed by widespread fire damage, water damage, smoke damage, and loss of furnishings, appliances, […]

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