Daño a la estructura del hogar

Home Structure DamageClaim Ally will provide a very detailed scope of repairs including line of sight repairs and the cost to rebuild your home when you experience home structure damage.

Assessing Your Home’s Structure Damage

Esto aumentará drásticamente el alcance del trabajo y la liquidación en dólares de su reclamo de construcción y proporcionará una estimación que tenga en cuenta sus mejores intereses y no la compañía de seguros.
Our experts will prepare a damage estimate based on our knowledge of the insurance contract and the effects of fire, heat and water as a pervasive element throughout your home. This estimate will include an item by item estimate of every room and section of your home, showing detailed dimensions, quantities, unit cost and total cost. At the end of the room by room estimate-there is a breakdown showing exactly the amount claimed under each trade i.e. framing electrical, plumbing, roofing, drywall, paint, etc.

The insurance company will have a contractor of their choosing give them a list of repairs and cost for these repairs in their opinion. Unfortunately the adjuster and insurance company’s contractor will always be much lower in price of the repairs and will miss many items that should be replaced or repaired i.e. drywall, cabinets, tile, window frames, wiring and fixtures. Claim Ally will obtain a price estimate from a contractor based on our scope of work a contractor who is able willing to carry out quality work in a timely manner. This skill will include all related costs to return the building to its revised edition.

Nuestro objetivo es obtener la mayor cantidad de dinero de su reclamo. Claim Ally puede ayudar! Llámanos al 844-252-4625 o visita nuestra página Contacta con nosotros.

Claim Ally puede ayudar! Llámenos al 844-252-4625 o visite nuestro Contacta con nosotros page.

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