¿Qué hacer cuando se niega su reclamo de seguro de hogar?

  • By:Seth Knudsen

If you have had your home insurance claim denied, you need to know the options you still have available. Having a home insurance claim denied can be devastating, so you should look to challenge the decision in any way you can by reading your policy, understanding the reason for the company’s decision, and working with an experienced public adjuster or attorney to get the money that you deserve.

First, you should’ve received a denial letter from the homeowner insurance adjuster assigned to the claim. The letter will explain the reason your home insurance claim was denied and reference the portion of your policy that supports the company’s decision.

There are a few company reasons that insurance companies deny home insurance claims:

  1. There is no coverage for the cause of the loss. There are many types of home insurance policies that cover different disasters and if the damage sustained to your home was not caused by a covered peril, then your policy will not pay for your loss.
  2. The loss happened outside of the policy coverage period
  3. You did not fulfill an obligation or condition of coverage in the policy. For example, you didn’t prevent further damage or you are not cooperating with the insurance company.
  4. You waited too long to make a claim.

At times, the reason for a denied insurance claim is clear, however, there are those times where the decision is not so black and white. Keep in mind that if the insurance company finds a gray area, they will typically favor denying the claim and saving money. Hiring an expert that can assist in explaining and navigating the complex language of the insurance contract or policy can help you fight your denial.

Taking action to dispute a home insurance claim that has been denied can be difficult. Home insurance adjusters have years of expertise when dealing with the language and coverage issues of the policy provisions. A public adjuster works for you. They can appeal on your behalf and can assist with the rejected claim process and all the paperwork involved.

Los ejemplos y la perspectiva de este artículo son la opinión de Claim Ally. Claim Ally no ejerce la abogacía ni brinda asesoramiento legal.

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